Starting on May 10, 1940, Operation Gelb, Wehrmacht formations invaded
the territory of Holland, Belgium and Luxembourg. The French
commander-in-chief, General Gamelin, ordered the French army to engage
in battle with units and subunits of the German troops. Fierce fighting
unfolded, and the battle for France began. Parts of the Wehrmacht
advanced rapidly, which was largely facilitated by the high degree of
motorization of the German armed forces. Tank units with the support of
motorized infantry advanced in swift throws. Wedging into the battle
formations of the French, the German army used the tactics of lightning
war, also known as Blitzkrieg. Also, one of the components of the
success of the Wehrmacht was a well-functioning radio, allowing units to
successfully coordinate their combat operations. Despite the
resistance of the French army, the campaign, however, was completed in a
short time, and on June 22, 1940, France capitulated.
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