Colors belongs to life like air to breathe! This also goes for model
building no matter in what scale you build and if you only want to
slightly alter a vehicle, a house or an entire miniature landscape or
add some smudge. Sometimes, it is also necessary to repaint entire
models for them to fit better in the individual model building concept.
Colors are amply available in specialized trade, the Herpa collection
also offers them in various sets. The best way to apply colors is of
course with an airbrush gun! But: Such a cost-intensive purchase should
be well considered. We simplify these considerations with the new Herpa
Airbrush set. The advantage: a lot of benefits, small price, simple
usability and many accessories. We can truly lighten your beginnings of
airbrush painting. Clogged nozzles can simply be exchanged by new, very
low-priced nozzles and the paint fun continues. A detailed description
is enclosed.
Contents of the set:
- one airbrush gun
- five exchangeable nozzle heads
- five exchangeable paint containers
- one air compressor tube to connect the gun to the compressor
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